Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where's the BEEF?!?

SPOILER ALERT - Don't read unless you've gotten to chapter XXIII in Into the Wilderness.  Yeah - I don't know what the hell chapter it is, either.  I'm guessing 23.  ;)
And be warned - there will be commentary about the Twilight series as well as the Bronze Horseman series in this post.  If you haven't read either of them...then RUN, don't walk to your nearest library and pick them up. Seriously.

OK - I've got some things to say...and I'm not sure if you're gonna like 'em...but I gotta say 'em anyway.

Let me preface this by saying I am really enjoying the book.  Last night I watched nothing on TV; only read.  And then went to bed and read.  That tells you something right there!

Comma...however.  DETAILS!! WHERE are the DETAILS?!  I'm in the middle of reading about their first time together...and he's all lovin' up on her...and she's all moaning out loud for the first time when he bent to get something off her chest with his tongue...and BAM!  It's over.  And she's laying on his broad shoulder.  And I'm checking to make sure I didn't skip a page like I did with Breaking Dawn and the feather scene.  Hello???  You can't make such a big deal about the woman being a spinster-virgin at 29...and then go from barely third base to cuddling!  Am I spoiled from that rockin' scene with Tatiana and Alexander in The Bronze Horseman?!  WHERE was the "OK this is going to hurt a little?"  WHERE was the  "It hurt like a mother...until it didn't"???  WHERE were the rocketships and the fireworks and the little guy at the carnival saying "Awww heck - you can go back on the ferris wheel for free!"  WHERE was it all?!

OK so then he pushes her in the freezing waterfall and she goes home and sees Richard on her porch with Mr. Bennett and pretends to be sick.  "Thank you, Curiosity, for taking advantage of that clearly unused brain in my head."

So then someone is sick (yeah right) and Richard has to leave...and Curiosity wakes her up and sends her on her merry way...and she runs into Kitty With Her Boob Hanging Out (sounds like a song so I had to capitalize).  Not sure if Julian saw her...but didn't really care either way.

So I'm looking forward to this huge trek up the mountain and her knocking on the cabin door and Nathaniel coming to the door in his loin cloth...and them packing quickly and taking the little sandwiches that Someone Whose Animal Name I Can't Remember packed for them and running off together...but instead I get them shoving off in a canoe!  And it's already happened!  And I MISSED IT!

I am going to pick up my kids from school soon and will be reading for a longgg time because it's raining and everyone knows you have to leave at 2:20 to get one of the snotty, coveted spots up in front of the door.  I will take my cup of coffee and my sugar cookie from Delicious Orchards (where we only go once a year in October) and I will read like a mofo.  And I can only hope that SOMETHING about their escape is explained to me while I'm doing so.

And do not kill me for this...but honestly?  I think I might have picked Richard.  He's supposed to be good looking, right?  And he's got money and property and a house and isn't all that terrible.  And he's got a past that's just itching to be picked at like cheese that stuck to the plate or a little scab on your head from scrubbing too hard with the shampoo.  Yup.  I like hot, educated men with skeletons in their closets.  (Jamie Fraser...Edward Cullen...Alexander Barrington.  Although was Alexander educated in anything other than war and makin' babies?  But I digress.)

My point is - I think Richard is a very untapped resource.  And he kindof makes me look at Nathaniel and wonder "whats the big deal?"  (See Carol.  See Carol duck and hide.  See Carol skulk off when no one's looking.)

Soooo....let's hope that Nathaniel is worth his weight in property value...because I'm not so sure I'm smitten.

More later!


  1. You did not just say that. You didn't. You'd pick Dick over Nat? I need a cold compress. And a drink. Is there medication for this?
    (Hildy will have MUCH to say in agreement with you though. She likes Dick. Oh, that sounds bad, but you know what I mean.)

    how many times have I said that if PSimons had written this part or that would have been fabulous!!?? For some unknown reason, SD does that at times. She just SKIPS over the good, good parts as well as the good, bad parts. Sometimes. Not all the time. But a few times I thought, "Oh crap! PS would have rocked that scene/storyline, etc." But instead you sit there feeling disappointed and ripped off......regretting a missed opportunity.

    And don't you go saying my Shura ain't ejumakated.

  2. I DO like Dick!!! I mean Richard Todd! How many times have I said that, Cari and Jennifer J? It's usually followed by a WTF response by one of you. I love how he's so snarky and pretty damn funny. However, I LOVE Nat. And don't worry, the details will come. I remember thinking that after Claire and Jamie's first time. I actually thought, "she's no Paullina Simons in the sexy times department!" I have since changed my mind about that. Uh huh!!

  3. I had more to say and my phone wouldn't let me!

    I think I need to go home and make a list of awesome Nat quotes. You may need an intervention. I'll be back later! :)

    What's a class mom? I need one of those. I wish you were my class mom, Carol, and I don't even know what it is !!

  4. Class Mom = Room Mother, right Carol? I'm one too (2nd grade-God help me). There is something interesting about Richard Todd, so I sort of get why he can be appealing. Well, let's see how you feel as you continue to read....

  5. This is hilarious. MEANwhile - when I was reading in the school parking lot, Mrs Schyler (sp?) said something to Elizabeth like "You see the value in Nathaniel Bonner and know that his hands do hard men's work when most English women wouldn't". And I was like "OH MY GOD I SUCK!!!!!!" LOL

    Being a class mom just means helping out in my son's first grade class. His teacher likes to have parents there a lot during the week. Luckily, there are 4 of us!

  6. I NEED a class mom!!!! I taught first grade for 10 years without a class mom. What was I thinking? That's so nice of all of you to volunteer.

    Keep reading Carol! I've got a copy of the book from the library and I'm going to find some 'Nathaniel awesomeness' so you are forced to take back your bad-mouthing! lol

  7. I'll add my two cents to that - Hildy definitely likes Dick! (er, Richard Todd... lol) Maybe I'd go for him if there wasn't a Nathaniel Bonner, but there IS, so no contest! Though I totally hear you, Carol, about throwing a little Kitty's way. Poor Kitty. :-(

    The other gals have already said this, but I must encourage you to keep going, Carol! I remember feeling the same way about the "fade to black" lack of details from their first time behind the waterfall. I wasn't sure I was going to like these books.... Dinna fash, lass. Dinnna fash. :-)


  8. Oh yeah, Cari almost threw in the towel when there wasn't enough detail in the lovin' department. I had to talk her back. ;)

  9. Both men have their issues but Richard is evil. Plus Nathaniel looks better without a shirt, lol.
    He does have some good lines coming, can't remember if it was book one or two.
    And SD is shy about the details but I think she gives a little more later on. And sometimes even when she gives a little it's like whoaaaa, hot! Unless it's just cause I'm so crazy about Nataniel.

  10. Jennifer J, it took me a mere 18 hours to understand your Shura comment. I just wanted to say that was hilarious!! :)

  11. LOL Ok first off - I read a lot last night and it has gotten VERRA good. I will blog directly.

    Second - ejumakated - hilarious. Hildy is right. And I am not a snob - I hope I didn't make it sound that way. I just get annoyed with the way Nathaniel speaks sometimes. It's a pet peeve of mine. "We was going" sounds bad coming out of anyone's mouth.

    Off to blog!

  12. Carol,
    I know you ain't no snob! J/K, it's like nails on a chalk board when Nat uses poor english. Mostly b/c it doesn't really fit with his character. We have pages and pages of "normal" vocab........then BOOM....."ain't" shows up.....huh???

    I know you are a Shura-lover. I was just teasing.

    you are a gr.1 teacher??? Awwww. Grade 1 teachers are always the best teachers in the school. You get to teach them to read. Hopefully, ha. My baby's gr.1 teacher retired last year and we both cried (she's gr.4!!). She was AWESOME!!

    agreed. There are definitely plenty-O-hot-tingly times a comin'.

  13. I agree with Nathaniel's speech not quite fitting sometimes but then he says 'Darlin'' or 'Give me your mouth' and miraculously I forget about it! ;)

    Melody, ITA with your assessment of shirtlessness. Oh and how about that breechclout? Cari and I have down some Googling and Wikipedia has a favorite picture of ours. Just sayin.'

    Thanks, Jennifer J. I love teaching kids to read! This year I'm teaching K so that we can start them reading even earlier! It's hard work!!! I'm exhausted!

  14. Teacher rock. My sister is a 4th grade teacher. I always tell the teachers "My sister is a teacher; you will have no trouble from me". LOL We have FOUR class moms! Every class has at least 2. I can't imagine not having class moms! The teachers do enough as it is!!

    Having said that...AGREED on "give me your mouth" although it was sooooo Jamie Fraser and I had to try really hard not to think that way. I LOVE "Darlin"...but yes, exactly..."Aint" comes out of NOWHERE sometimes! And again - it can be kindof cute sometimes. Heck, my dad's from Northwestern Pennsylvania and he throws "aint" into conversation now and again. It's cute. But Nate uses it too much and in bad circumstances. It's so GREASE with Danny and Sandy. Liz is altering herself for YOU; how about altering yourself for HER once in a while?!

  15. "Melody, ITA with your assessment of shirtlessness. Oh and how about that breechclout? Cari and I have down some Googling and Wikipedia has a favorite picture of ours. Just sayin.'"

    I'm waiting patiently for said picture. Don't make me come over there............
