Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Please Boots?  Please?!


  1. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!!!! I.M.Hysterical laughing!! You kill me!! Poor Petula. Oh my stomach hurts!!

    "Please, Boots? Please?"
    I am dying!!

  2. OMG Carol! That picture is hilarious! I guess I have the answer to my question about whether you have been Googling "breechclouts."

  3. Hildy - did the music work for you? I need a better way of embedding a song so it does't take so long to load.

  4. It didn't work but I just assumed that it was because I live in Canada. I've never been able to access your playlists but perhaps I'm just a wee daftie!

    Is that a ITW chatroom I see?? :)

    A male friend of mine from high school just posted the word 'Downtown" as his status update. I'm not kidding! WTH????? LOL. My eyes just popped outta my head!

  5. Dang, Hildy. I could tell from your post. The music is what makes the post! I'll keep trying. PS - Jennifer J is in Canada too, right? She heard it can't be that. Hmm....

  6. Nope, I didn't hear it. I'm a Canuck 2!!

    Is it on utube?

  7. Ps.
    Can we "chat" any old time we want????

  8. Oh get OUT?! I thought you heard it!!! SHITE! OK I'll find a different way to play it. I guess the joke's a little old now...LOL But still. It's way funnier with the music!!

  9. Oh my goodness - Carol, I think that you've officially topped yourself!!

    "Please, Boots? Please?!" LMAO

    And yes, the music is the icing on the cake. :-D


  10. I improvised by going to Youtube and playing the music while looking at the photo. Verra funny! It would have been better if it had just popped up though. The music, that is. ;)

  11. HILDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "It would have been better if it had just popped up though."

    It's funny how that happens, "Downtown....."

  12. Hildy and Jen J!!!

    I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes....


  13. Cari,
    did anything "pop up" when you were Downtown?

    I hear you are enjoying book 4?????? No kiddin'.

  14. I popped in and looked around but no one's around. Heading to watch Vampire Diaries on my DVR now! Let's chat this weekend! :)

  15. PS - Petula Clark will probably be going bye bye soon. I will drive people away if that damed song has to come on every time someone visits the site. LOL!!!

  16. LOL Carol! I was playing the music last night and my husband said, "That's sooo annoying." I really need to watch Vampire Diaries. I'm going to borrow Season 1 from my sister next week.

  17. Vampire Diaries? Hmmmmm, I'll have to check that out.

    I'm going on chat now............if anyone wants to show up???? If not, I'll just sit and stare at the blank screen. Either way.

  18. K, so just had to let everyone know that I got to chat with Carol tonight. And you didn't. Uh, ha. Too bad 4 U.

    BTW, she was "DowntownCarol". How funny is that?????????

  19. "DowntownCarol" - love it!

    I want to chat too!!!!! My parents are coming this weekend for a week-long visit, but I'll see if I can sneak away....

    Jen J - book 4 ROCKS!! My fave in the series so far, and I'm only about 2/3 of the way through. :-)


  20. Hildy and Jen J, Vampire Diaries is SO good! It's one of those shows that keeps getting better and better with every episode, seriously.

    Not sure when I'm going to get to watch this week's episode though - I'm a little busy with a book that I canna put down! ;-)


  21. Actually, I was DowntownWilderness...which I am assuming they were since it's the 18th century and Manscaping wasn't in fashion then (just as Jamie Fraser.) ;)

  22. DowntownWilderness!!! Lol ! So true!!

    Book 4 rocks! So does book 6!!

    Carol, where are you in the book? Are you liking it?

  23. I can't begin to tell you how good Vampire Diaries is. My HUSBAND even loves it. We DVR it and both grab for the remote at commercials because we can't fast forward fast enough.

    Cari - last night's episode was FABULOUS. I am LOVING Stefan this season. Seriously.

  24. DowntownWilderness, Cari, Hildy,

    I'm soooooooo getting VD today! Vampire Diaries that is. It's always a sure thing when you guys are obsessed with something.

    BTW, I'm a huge fan of "manscaping". Just in case you wanted to know..........

  25. Squeee! Oh to be a VD virgin again...sigh. AND - don't worry if there are some Twilight similarities; they go bye bye real quick.

  26. PS - Manscaping. Some definitely needs to be done. OH yeah. (shudder)

  27. Really? VD is that good? OMYGosh. I canna wait.

  28. My husband and I watch VD faithfully too - any of you ever read the original book(s) the show is based on?

  29. Downtown Wilderness AND Armpit Wilderness (I know, I'm not supposed to think about those things when I'm reading these books, but I canna help it!)

    Jen J and Hildy, you're going to love VD. Everybody's doing it! ;-)

    Julia, my sister has read those books, and she doesn't watch the show. It's funny when we compare the two because it sounds like they're quite different. Sadly it makes her not want to watch the show (I'm still trying to get her to just forget about the books and go with it!)


  30. Jenn D (my cousin who doesn't read ITW or Outlander but comes to chat) has read them. She says the show is completely different from the books and she didn't like Elena (main character) in the books. I don't always care for her on the show, either - but she's completely necessary and there are so many others to love...I put up with her!

  31. I'd read several of the VD books before the show came on. The casting choices (based on the character descriptions in the books) are bizarre to say the least. My husband and I really enjoy the show, although they don't follow the books AT ALL. They are as far off the author's vision as True Blood is off the Sookie Stackhouse books. I agree Cari - you're right to tell your sister to forget the books and just enjoy the show!
