Sunday, January 1, 2012

I'll Be Back!

I just wanted to let you know that I am on a slight hiatus at the moment.  I am reading The Scottish Prisoner by Diana Gabaldon because as much as I love myself some Nathaniel...Outlander (aka Jamie Fraser) trumps ITW and most everything else out there.  (Don't ask me about Paullina and Shura because I just don't even know how I'd answer that!)

I PROMISE I will be back to reading Dawn on a Distant Shore soon!


  1. Waiting patiently....

    I am actually finishing Dawn on a Distant Shore while the Scottish Prisoner sits at my desk waiting, my will power is astonishing me...

  2. You mean you never finished it??? AGGHHHH!!! I do have book 3 and wondering if I should bother trying to read it (guess that tells you how much I loved (NOT) Distant Shore. Will be anxiously awaiting your critique. :)

  3. Julia - I finished the third one in November?? And loved it - my favorite so far. I have the rest here to start but am behind on so much other reading and I got some new things for Christmas that I'm goign to take a wee break and pick the 4th up soon!

  4. Brandy, book 4 is my favorite! I really did love 3 though. Book 6 is a close second.

  5. Hildy,
    would you STOP talking about book 4!! OMGosh, I'm going to have to pick the bloody thing up AGAIN!! Oh, book 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Since you asked..................
    I'd vote a big, fat "NO" for your question. If ya didn't like 1 and are prob just wasting your time.

    Miss Carol,
    how much do I love a woman who can talk about Jamie, Nat AND Shura all in the same sentence? Sooooooooooo much!!!!! Oh lawrd, I love your blogs.

  6. Jennifer J, I'm sorry, I don't know what comes over me. Oh wait, yes I do! I canna help myself. I love me some book 4. Oddly, it makes me want to rearrange my furniture.

    Julia, I agree with Jennifer J. If you're not loving the first 2, I wouldn't waste your time. There are too many other books out there.

    How did I miss that Carol threw Jamie, Nat AND Shura in the same sentence? I think it's because they are all often on my mind so I just take it for granted that everyone else thinks the same way. I do LOVE that you did that though.

    Can't wait for you to resume the blog. Until then, I'll keep stalking your email until you change it. ;)

  7. Hildy and Jennifer J - now I can't wait to get to book 4! Should I just skip book 3 and then go back?!
    I've got to a critical point in book 2 and can't wait to see the outcome.
    I have to say Lizzy does annoy me though when there is a medical crisis and she just sits back and lets Curiousity or Hakim Ikim do his thing. Maybe I'm thinking of her to much as Claire!

  8. Menatra, that is so funny about Lizzy! On more than one occasion I wanted to yell at her and say, "Do something!! You're a doctor!" Then I remembered that I was thinking about Claire. ;)

    I really enjoyed book 3 too. You can't skip it. Lots of very important stuff happens. I'm dying to know what critical point you are at!

  9. Noooooooooooooooooooooo!! Book 3 is plenty good! Lots of bells and'll enjoy it, don't worry. I just have a special place in my heart for book 4 (which I'm reading again. thanks) and book 6.

  10. SPOILER ALERT - Don't read Carol!

    I am at Carryck Castle right now wondering what the outcome will be and I knew that it was going to be complicated when I saw all the family charts at the begininng and the HUGE family tree but come on! Could they not have helped us out a little and explained some of it on the long extensive boat trip over? (I thought it was hard enough keeping the other family straight with runs-with-water, sings-to-birds and slides-down-hills!)
    Not to mention the HUGE extensive Carryck castle soap opera saga going on?
    Jean the naughty housekeeper, Isabel the runnaway daughter, Jennet the keeper of secrets? and WHY HASN'T SOMEONE KILLED ANGUS MONCRIEFF ALREADY!!!! I won't even say what I think of that douchbag!

    and why is EVERYONE, even the little old village grannies trying to help out Lizzy and family to escape? Is something else going on with the nice Earl?

    It is nice to see Nathaniel over his fever but I could have found a cure for him right away...wasn't it throw some lavender around, get naked, pretend to rape him and then have him almost kill you, then presto - your cured? It worked for Claire so why not for Elizabeth too?

    Anyway Isabel is just heading to Carryck castle right now so I must read on...

  11. SPOILERS: Don't Read Carol!

    I loved the whole Carryck castle saga. I wasn't sure where it was going but I loved how it all played out.

    Menatra, you think you are a doctor now, dontcha? lol It's like Outlander is our Medical School.

    Keep reading!

  12. Oh, this is sooo good to know that book 3 is better! I honestly stopped about 3/4 of the way through of Dawn On Distant Shore. I read The Bronze Horseman and the two following books instead... (now THOSE were some breathtaking books!!!!) I guess I will finish DDS and then hit the third one in hopes that it is an improvement from the 2nd, as some of of you have said. I loved Into the Wilderness, so I will not give up.


    1. You read TBH?????????? Oh lawrd, isn't it bloody fantastic???? I'm re-reading it. Again. Hildy made me. You pretty much have to do what Hildy says. She's bossy. LOL!! I'm stuck in Lazarevo right now. Stuck. Maybe forever? Hmmmmmmm.

      How goes your ITW adventures?

  13. Jill,
    I'm so glad that you read TBH series! It so tugs at my heart. I love it.
    If you loved ITW then I think you should keep reading. I have read all six and most of them are really good, with some of the later ones being my favourite. Enjoy.

  14. Hildy,
    The Bronze Horseman series is one that I have no words for. You are right, it does tug at your heart. I am so glad that I mistakenly ran across Carol's blog for the Outlander series because that is how I found out about TBH and ITW. She is like the new 'Oprah' book club. ;) After I finish the series I am currently reading I will pick back up DDS and then get the 3rd book. Thanks for the encouragement! :)


  15. I literally just finished Fire Along the Sky and holy cow - I loved it! I loved this series!!!! My heart aches the entire time, either from joy or sadness. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster reading it.

    I have the other two here to read but I want to savor them so I'm not starting right away. Is The Endless Forest the end of the series?

  16. Brandy!!!!!!!!

    Long time no talk!! Omgosh, I love that you loved book 4!! We seriously need to talk. I've read book 4 like 3 times. Gawsh, I love that book. SERIOUSLY LOVE THAT BOOK.

    Yes, next is Queen of Swords and then Endless Forest is the last one.

  17. Brandy,
    I'm trying to comment on your blog, but it won't let me post!! I think I have email attached to my name, if you want to contact me that way.

  18. I really need to delete that blog! I started it way over a year ago to keep track and write about the books I read but I never did anything past the first one. I'm not too good at keeping up on that stuff! lol

    Buy yes I loved the book. The whole time I was reading it I kept thinking "this book is killing me". I swear I don't know what it is about these epic historical fiction books but they really move me!

    I have the other two here but I'm desperately trying not to rush into them since there are only two left. I have about 30 books here in my "to read" pile so it's easy to keep distracted with other things. But I'm thinking about them constantly. I just want to savor them!

  19. Ok, I can't wait any longer. I'm starting on the next one! :)

  20. I'm sorry!!! I was bitten by the Fifty Shades of Grey bug and have been obsessing quite a bit lately. I do have two 6 hour plane rides coming up next week - and I'll have the Kindle with me! :)

  21. Carol - I didn't mean that towards you! :) I was telling Jennifer before that I had the last 2 here to read but I wanted to savor them since that was it but Queen of Swords was calling my name and I couldn't resist starting it. Anxious for you to get back to the series though!

  22. Ok, I am having a serious problem putting Queen of Swords down. I find myself thinking about it constantly when I'm not able to read it! I think Hannah is probably one of my most favorite female literally characters of all time. I sure hope she gets some kind of happy ending!

  23. OMG - I finished the whole series! Holy cow....and how about the very very ending?? :(

  24. BRANDY!! I just saw all of these now! We need to talk. I'm so happy that you loved them!!
